Gallery artists
Works in collections
Artothek of the New Berlin Art Association
Berlinische Galerie, Berlin
Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB)
Charlottenburg Art Office, Berlin
State Office for Health and Social Affairs, Berlin
National Museums in Berlin – Prussian Cultural Heritage
Collection of Contemporary Art of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bonn
Municipal Art Collection Bonn
Goethe-Institut, Brazil
Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Brunswick
State Art Gallery, Darmstadt
Art Association for the Rhineland and Westphalia, Düsseldorf
Der Spiegel, Hamburg
Lower Saxony State Gallery, Hanover
Playboy, Munich
Municipal Gallery Oberhausen Castle
Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Stuttgart
Art Museum Stuttgart
Graphothek, Sydney
City Museum, Ulm
Märkisches Museum, Witten
Wolfsburg Municipal Museum