Gallery artists
1937 | born in Großschönau |
1951 | Apprenticeship as a Chemigraph in Dresden |
1953 | Painting lessons at the Folk high school, with Jürgen Böttcher (Strawalde) |
since 1971 | Working as a freelance painter, Member of the artist group “Lücke” in Dresden |
1978 | Co-Founder of the Obergraben Press in Dresden |
1984 | Leaving to Hamburg |
1985 | Stay with A. R. Penck in London |
1986 | Moving to West Berlin |
1988-1989 | Travels to Algeria, France and Italy |
1995 | Travel to Brazil |
seit 1999 | Full Member of the Saxon Academy of the Arts |
Peter Herrmann lives and works in Berlin.
Awards and grants
2001 | Fred-Thieler-Award for Painting |
1999 | Scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation |
1998 | Laureate of the Villa Romana, Florence |
1987 | Working scholarship of the Senator for Cultural Affairs, Berlin |