Born in Turin
Studies of Engineering and Architecture in Bologna
Military service
Lives in Rome, works as an engineer, makes drawings and landscapes, gets in contact with different sculptors and is meeting his future wife
Lives in Milan, works as architect
Lives in Berlin, gets in contact with artists of expressionism, first etchings
Journey to Paris, studio in Paris
Marriage with Genni / Jenny Wiegmann, stay in Milan, wall painting “The Mother“
Apartment and studio in the Via Rugabella 19, Milan
Military service
Deep bombings in July and within destruction of his house and his whole ownership in the street Via Rugabella
Member of the KPI, writes for the communist press
Professorship for painting at the Kunsthochschule (Academy of Arts) in Berlin
Stage settings for the “Berliner Ensemble” and the “Deutsche Theater”
Professorship at the Institut für Kunsterziehung (Institute of Art) at the University of Greifswald
Execution of his huge picture “Riot of the Young” (Aufstand der Jugend)” for Berlin
Serious disease and death of Genni / Jenny
Marriage with Susanne Arndt
Died in Milan