Born in Vitebsk, Belarus
Is sent to Sunderland in England to his mother’s family, studies English and attends sculpture classes at the local art school
Stay in London, where he attends courses at the Regent Street Polytechnic; to earn his living, he works at a stonecutter
Is settled in Paris and studies at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts
Showed statues and drawings in the annual Salon d’Automne and the Salon des Independants
Participation in exhibitions of the artist groups Free Secession in Berlin, De Onafhankelijken in Amsterdam and the Allied Artists Association in London
Works as a medic on the front and made drawings and watercolors that are dealing with the war
Discharged from the military service
Marriage with Valentine Prax
Flees to the United States, finds a workspace in New York, teaches twice a week at the Art Students League in New York
Received the Grand prize for sculpture at the Venice Biennale
Died in Paris